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National Park Monte Leòn


National park Leon Mount constitutes a representative sample of the patagónica coastal biodiversity in good state of conservation, with sites of paleontological value. Santacruceño has a coast of 36 km on the marine coast Argentina has 41 marine protected areas provincial, and only one of them - the National Park Leon Mount in Santa Cruz, who donated the Foundation Wild Life Argentina to the National State in 2002 - is of federal jurisdiction. Leon mount is a park slab-sailor who protects his continental portion of 60 km²; and 36 km of coasts and one intermareal zone.

Strictly speaking, Argentina does not have any Marine National Park (PNM), of exclusive protection of the Sea.

In Brazil there are two and other two more on the way to creation; in Chile there is both more already projected.

The surface of the Argentine Sea with some legal level of protection represents only 0.59% of the total and would be praiseworthy that Argentina began to value that resource, as forests, forests or species as much threatened. Without prohibiting all activity, the PNMs must be zonificar to favor the conservation of the biodiversity, to protect threatened species and atmospheres and to recover exploded fishing degraded areas and stocks.

The Area

In 1996 sets out inclusion Leon the Mount in the "System of National Parks of Argentina".

The 20 of October of 2004 the law of creation like new National Park is sanctioned, being the first Continental Marine Park of Argentina.

The fundamental reason for its creation is based on the fact that it constitutes a representative sample of the patagónica coastal biodiversity in good state of conservation, with sites of paleontological value.

In this region is an important colony of pingüinos Magallanes, composed by 60,000 individuals.

It is the fourth colony in importance of the country. It is located in the Southeast of the province of Santa Cruz, on RN 3, to 210 km to the Galician North of River. The area is of 61,700 has. The Park is on the coast of the "Great bay" (limit This of the province of Santa Cruz) in km 2,385 of RN 3. To 45 km to the Southeast of Port Santa Cruz.

One extends from almost 2 km to the Northeast of the Tip Broken, to around 2.5 km to the Southwest of "cañadón Jack". An Area Protected Marine, of 5 km from the coast throughout coast of the National Park is included. It is predicted to incorporate a marine area of at least the same extension that the continental area. Leon mount belongs to the ecorregiones of Argentine Sea and patagónica steppe. 


This one represents the average and inferior river basins of the rivers of Atlantic slope and certain endorreicas river basins. Cold and dry climate with inferior winter precipitations to 400 mm Strong winds of the West, dry summers and frosts in almost all the year. Its vegetation is of arbustiva type under the form of herbaceous stocky scrubs and xerófilas.

Landscapes. Flora and fauna


Area composed of high cliffs, islands, roqueríos, small bays, beaches and restingas that is discovered with the low tide. 

The coastal sector represents near 1% of the Argentine marine coast. The sea in this region is cold, with an important population of fish.

The National Park account with colonies of cormoranes, gaviotines, pingüinos and other 20 species of coastal and marine birds.

From the coast, occasionally, posts station of marine wolves of a hair and cetaceans can be observed, like the austral frank whale. There is an important colony of 60,000 pingüinos Magallanes.

Colony in importance of the country is 4ª. The pairs every year migrate to look for their nest. In the Island Leon Mount and cliffs they find refuge and they nidifican three species of cormoranes: the roquero, the gray and the imperial one.

One of the reasons for the creation of the Park, is to protect an important portion of coastal patagónica steppe, habitat of guanacos, choiques, foxes and pumas.


Culture and History

It does about 10 millenia, groups of recolectores hunters took advantage of coastal atmospheres and his varied resources like birds, rodents, camálidos, moluscos and marine wolves.

The groups tehuelches, descendants of the first settlers, extended the use of the territory more, developing a greater interchange with moved away groups. The arrival of the white man was reason for great modifications in the original populations.

The gradual interchange product dependency and the loss of territory caused the migration towards the west of the province and the incorporation to rural tasks. The expert Brown Francisco (impelling of the system of national parks of Argentina) visited the area century XIX by the end of, as thus also they would make Carlos Ameghino and father Alberto De Agostini.

The Stay Leon Mount belonged to the company/signature "The Southern Patagonia Sheep Farming Company Limited". This great ovine operation was sold, in 1920 to the family the Brauns, who continued with that activity until 2006. The extraction of guano was important until 1930. 

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*National park Mount 9300 Leon or C.C. 35 or Port of Santa Cruz or Santa Cruz or Argentina or Mail:

* Administration of Parks Nacionales or Av. Santa Fe 690 or C1059ABN Buenos Aires or Argentina or Tel: (011) 4311-6633/0303 or Mail: to It also see: World-wide union for the Conservation

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